Benefits of doing Plank pose

Plank pose, also known as Kumbhakasana in Sanskrit, has been practiced in the yoga tradition for centuries. While it is not clear when this mudra was first introduced, there are several historical texts that mention its benefits and importance in maintaining physical and mental health. So let’s know the benefits of doing the Kumbhakasana pose. Plank pose in Hindi is as follows

One of the earliest mentions of plank pose can be found in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, a text written by Swami Swatram in the 15th century. In this lesson, the plank pose is praised as an effective way to strengthen core muscles and improve overall body alignment. It is also said to aid digestion and stimulate the nervous system.

What is the Plank pose?

This is a popular yoga pose that helps build strength and stability in the body. The name Kumbhakasana is derived from Sanskrit, which is also known as Falak Mudra in Marathi and Plank pose in English. While doing this asana, the shape of the body becomes like a plank. And because of stretching the body like a plank, it is called Plank Asana.

The Falakasana pose primarily targets the core muscles including the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and obliques. However, it also engages several other muscle groups such as the shoulders, back muscles, glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings. Practicing planks regularly can help improve overall posture and reduce lower back pain.

There are many variations of plank pose that you can try once you’ve mastered the basic technique. Some examples include side-plank (Vasisthasana), high plank (at the top of the push-up position), knee-to-elbow plank (alternating knee-to-elbow tapping), etc. Incorporating these variations into your exercise routine can increase the intensity and create different challenges. muscle groups for an effective full-body workout experience.

The correct way to do Plank pose

Falcon pose is a simple yet effective exercise that activates several core muscles. So let’s know the correct method of doing a Plank pose is as follows.

  • To do Plank pose, first of all, lie down straight on the yoga mat in Uttanasana.
  • Then, keeping your hands shoulder-width apart, lift your upper body into a push-up position.
  • First, take the right leg as low as possible then take the left leg as low as possible and start by pressing your toes into the floor.
  • Spread the fingers and put the entire weight of the body on the hands and feet.
  • Bend the arms at right angles i.e. 90 degrees.
  • Keep your arms straight, do not bend your knees.
  • Try to keep the spine and body straight.
  • To ensure proper form during plank pose, be sure to keep your shoulders away from your ears.
  • Engage your core muscles, glutes, and thighs.
  • Try to stay in this position for 30 seconds. Or you can stay in this position for longer periods of time after regular practice.
  • To get into the starting position, first, bend your knees on the floor and place your arms straight on the floor.
    And rest in Balasana posture.
  • In this way, you repeat this asana 2-3 times.

This is a great way to strengthen your core muscles and improve overall stability. Incorporating this exercise into your regular workout routine can help improve posture, increase stamina, and reduce the risk of injury during other physical activities.

Benefits of doing Plank pose

This is a popular yoga pose that has many benefits for the body,

♦ A primary benefit of the Plank pose is that it strengthens and tones the muscles of the core, including the abdomen, back, shoulders, and hips.

♦ Another benefit of the Plank pose is that it helps in reducing the stress level by activating the parasympathetic nervous system. As a result, you will feel more relaxed and calm after regular practice of this asana.

♦ Plank pose can help improve flexibility in the feet and toes while strengthening the wrists, arms, and upper body.

♦ This asana is very beneficial for reducing belly fat and making abs.

Overall, adding the this pose to your routine can have many positive effects on your physical and mental health. Whether you’re looking to strengthen your core or reduce stress levels, this simple yet powerful yoga pose is just what you need to achieve your health goals.


Lastly, adding a plank pose to your fitness routine can go a long way in strengthening your core. This static exercise targets all the muscles in your core, including the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominals, and obliques. By holding the correct plank position for just 30 seconds a day, you’ll start to see improvements in posture and stability.

Must Read…

  1. Falakasan Mudra Marathi
  2. Unlock Inner Peace With The Ananda Balasana Pose

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