Discover Inner Balance with Kapotasana Mudra

Kapotasana Mudra, also known as Pigeon Pose Mudra, is a yoga pose that has been practiced for centuries. Its roots can be found in the ancient Indian texts Hatha Yoga Pradipika and Gheranda Samhita. The pose is believed to have originated in India and was originally practiced by ascetics practicing various forms of yoga.

In modern times, Kapotasana has been widely adopted by yogis around the world. It is now commonly used in various styles of yoga such as Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, Bikram Yoga, and Jivamukti Yoga. Although it can be challenging for beginners due to the intense strain on the hips and thighs, regular practice can improve flexibility, strengthen muscles and reduce stress levels.

What is Kapotasana Mudra?

The word Kapotasana is derived from the Sanskrit words ‘kapota’, meaning pigeon, and ‘mudra’, meaning seat, also known as “pigeon pose” in English. This pose resembles a sitting pigeon with legs tucked under the body. Over time, Kapotasana has become one of the most popular yoga poses due to its numerous health benefits.

Kapotasana Mudra is a popular yoga pose that offers numerous physical and mental benefits. The pose involves stretching the hip flexors, strengthening core muscles, and increasing circulation and flexibility in the lower back and hips. Additionally, Kapotasana helps relieve stress and fatigue in your body

The correct way to do Kapotasana mudra

This is an intermediate to advanced-level yoga pose that is beneficial for the hips, groin, and lower back. Good flexibility and strength are required to function properly. The correct method of Kapotasana mudra is as follows in the article Kapotasana Mudra Marathi

  • To begin the pose, first start in a tabletop position on the yoga mat with your hands and knees on the floor.
  • Bring your right knee forward towards your right wrist and experiment with stretching your outer hip without any discomfort in your knee.
  • Extend your left leg straight behind you and point your toes, pointing your heel toward the ceiling.
  • Your right ankle should be close to your left hip.
  • Slowly move your arms forward until you feel a gentle stretch in your hips and lower back.
  • Pull your navel in and open the mat.
  • Stay here for a few breaths before coming up onto your fingertips or palms if possible.
  • Continue to press into the floor with both feet as you lift through the chest and lengthen through the spine.
  • As you exhale, lower your arms and lower your upper body toward the floor.
  • You can rest your forehead on the mat.
  • Hold this position for 5-10 deep breaths before repeating on the other side.

Remember to go slow with these poses and listen to what feels best for your body each time you practice!

Benefits of doing Kapotasana Mudra

Kapotasana Mudra is a powerful yoga pose that offers numerous benefits to the body and mind. Kapotasana Mudra Marathi provides some important benefits as follows One of the primary benefits of Kapotasana is–

♦ Ability to open hips and thighs. This asana can help relieve tension in this area, which can be especially beneficial for those who sit for long periods of time or are tight due to physical activity.

♦ Apart from opening the hips, Kapotasana can also help lengthen the spine and lengthen the chest, and shoulders. This can lead to improved posture and increased mobility in this area.

♦ The deep breathing required in this asana can help calm the mind and reduce stress levels.

♦ Another benefit of Kapotasana is its ability to stimulate digestion and improve blood circulation throughout the body. This pose engages several major muscles, including the core, back, legs, and arms. As a result, it can help boost metabolism and promote healthy blood flow throughout the body.

♦ Overall, incorporating Kapotasana into your regular yoga practice can be an effective way to improve both physical health and mental health.


Kapotasana mudra is an excellent yoga posture that offers many benefits to your body and mind. This helps stretch your spine, hip flexors, and quadriceps while opening your chest and shoulders. However, it is important to approach this pose with caution if you are a beginner or have an injury. Start slowly and work to gradually build flexibility over time to avoid straining or injuring yourself. You can also change the pose by using props like blocks or blankets for support.

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  2. कपोतासन मुद्रा मराठी
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