The Simple Guide To Laxative -Easy to Understand

Laxatives are among the most frequently used drugs by people who want to lose weight. The purpose of laxatives is to stimulate bowel movements and cause defecation. They are also used in cases of constipation, which can be caused by a number of reasons, including medical conditions or diet.

Laxative abuse is becoming increasingly common and you should learn everything you need to know about laxatives before making up your mind whether they are an option for you or not.

What are laxatives?

Laxatives are a type of medicine that is used when you have problems with constipation. It helps to get rid of the waste from your body in your bowel movements. However, laxatives can create some side effects on your health. The most common side effect of taking laxatives is dehydration.

When you take laxatives, it relaxes your bowels so that they can empty more easily. The stool goes out faster than the fluid needed to push it through. Laxatives make you lose water and electrolytes, which causes dehydration and an imbalance in minerals like sodium and potassium.

Laxatives are drugs that induce bowel movements in cases of constipation. There are different types of laxatives available on the market, and they each serve a unique purpose.

What are the different types of laxatives?

The most common laxative types are bulk-forming, stool-softening, stimulant, and water-absorbing.

There are three types of laxatives: bulk-forming, hyperosmotic, and stimulant.


Bulk-forming laxatives usually work within 1–3 days. They increase the volume and frequency of stool and make it softer and easier to pass. Bulking agents stimulate intestinal contractions that ultimately result in softer stools that are easier to pass.

They are also known as fiber supplements since they include natural fibers such as psyllium seed husks and methylcellulose. Hyperosmotic laxatives draw water into the colon. This causes a bowel movement by drawing more water.

Stool softening

Stool softening laxatives are some of the most popular laxatives in the market. When you’re constipated, you need a laxative that will act quickly and effectively. When looking for a stool softening laxative, you have to consider the active ingredients, the dosage, and how long it takes for the laxative to take effect.

The Types of Stool Softening Laxatives available in the market today include: –

Osmotic laxatives (which draw water into the colon) –

Saline laxatives (which draw water into the colon)

Water absorbing

Water-absorbing laxatives are a type of fiber that absorbs water. They are used to relieve constipation or to make the stool softer. Some people use water-absorbing laxatives if they have difficulty taking in enough fluids or if they have chronic diarrhea.

There are many types of water-absorbing laxatives, including polycarbophil, methylcellulose, polyethylene glycol, polycarbophil calcium, and sodium picosulfate. These laxatives contain a material that swells up and absorbs water in your digestive tract. This makes it harder for stool to pass through your intestines

How Do Laxatives Work?

Laxatives stimulate muscle contractions in the intestines which helps move food through the digestive tract. This process is called peristalsis. Laxatives work in two ways: osmotic and stimulant-induced.

Some Natural Fruit Laxatives

  • Apple
  • Artichoke
  • Figs
  • Kiwi
  • Orange
  • pears
  • Rhubarb
  • Spinach


Laxatives serve a vital purpose in aiding individuals with constipation, helping to alleviate discomfort and irregular bowel movements. However, it’s essential to recognize that the misuse of laxatives for weight loss or non-medical purposes can have adverse effects on health.

Dehydration is one of the most common side effects of laxative abuse. Laxatives work by expelling stool from the body at an accelerated rate, causing the loss of essential fluids and electrolytes. This imbalance can lead to serious health issues, including electrolyte imbalances and dehydration.

There are various types of laxatives, each designed to address specific concerns related to constipation. These include bulk-forming, stool-softening, stimulant, and water-absorbing laxatives, each functioning in distinct ways.

The decision to use laxatives should always be approached with caution and under the guidance of a healthcare professional. While laxatives can offer relief from constipation, their misuse can lead to serious health consequences.

In summary, the proper use of laxatives for constipation can be beneficial, but their misuse for weight loss or non-medical purposes should be avoided. It’s crucial to be well-informed about the types and potential side effects of laxatives, and consulting a healthcare provider before using them is always a wise choice. Prioritizing your health and well-being is of utmost importance.

Must Read…

  1. What Causes Constipation: What You Need to Know
  2. What Foods Help With Constipation
  3. How Long Does It Take For Apple Juice To Help Constipation
  4. How to Get Rid of Constipation: Eliminate Waste With These Simple Tips

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