Types of yoga – Easy To Understand

Today, everyone wants happiness and peace in life. And he is constantly striving for it. In today’s material world man is looking for material comforts. But because of this man is getting sadder and farther away from his reality so Types of yoga is given below.

Man is the most intelligent of all creatures. He has the power of discernment.

India has been at the forefront of teaching yoga and spiritual education from the very beginning. Spiritual satisfaction is more important than material happiness, and it can only be achieved through yoga. Therefore, Raja Yoga is essential for attaining happiness and peace in one’s life.

Types of yoga

There are six types of yoga in total

♦ Rajyoga

♦ Hathayoga

♦ Layayoga

♦ Gyan Yoga

♦ Karmyoga

♦ Bhakti Yoga

 yoga Type

Rajyoga –

Rajyoga is the oldest system of yoga referred to by spiritual texts for many years. Samadhi (consciousness) is considered to be the final state of meditation. Therefore Rajyoga is considered to be the ultimate goal of yoga. Rajyoga is a method of controlling the mind and mental powers. Rajyoga is considered to be the key to all yoga.

Rajyoga is also called Ashtanga Yoga. Maharshi Patanjali in his famous book “Rajyoga” has mentioned about eight types of yoga.

Yama – Yama (self restraint)
Rules – Self Discipline (Personal Discipline)
Asana – Mudra (Holy)
Pranayama – Breath control (control of life)
Pratihara – withdrawal of sensations
Perception – Concentration
Samadhi – Samadhi
There are two types of Rajyoga, internal and external

Intimate – Yama, Niyam, Asana, Pranayama, Pratihara

Outside – Dharana, Dhyan, Samadhi

Yama –

Yama is the moral social guideline for the seeker.

There are five types of Yama

The truth


Non-violence means not committing any kind of violence against others or oneself. Violence is any physical or mental act that angers, criticizes, harms, annoys anyone who is angry with someone or towards themselves. The seeker should be aware of this deeply rooted concept. He should strive to create an environment conducive to yoga or the development of society.

The truth

The yogi should always be truthful. One must be true to oneself and to others. Truthful life is very difficult in the world, but if you keep walking on the path of truth, you will get a life of dignity and respect, so don’t waver there. Such a life is necessary for a yogi.


Asteya means to steal. This means that you should not take that thing or thing when you do not own or claim it. Theft involves not only physical or moral theft but also mental theft. You cannot take away the peace and happiness of others for your own happiness, so the thought of stealing should not come to mind.


Brahmacharya means maintaining self-control. It requires being mentally strong. Patience, willpower, need to be strengthened. Extreme habits, addictions, and urges must be overcome. The seeker becomes healthier, mentally stronger.


Abstinence is the destruction of greed. Abstinence means giving up, physically, mentally, or emotionally, anything that belongs to you (the right) but is more than you need. It helps a person to live a simple life.



Niyama is the second step in Ashtanga Yoga. We have a mirror within us to become more aware of ourselves by observing ourselves. The rule has five parts


Thought -thought is the internal and external purification of the environment. This is an easy way to find out what causes and why impurities around you and destroy them.

Satisfaction – Satisfaction means to be satisfied. It means contentment to reduce the lust, greed or need for anything.

Tapas – Tapas is a practice of self-discipline.

Swadhyaya – Swadhyaya means to study oneself.

Ishwar Pranidhan – Surrender to Divinity.


The Asana helps to keep the body strong. Asana is a position in which you can keep your body and mind calm, stable and happy.


This is the fourth limb of Ashtanga. This is a part of yoga. In this, the body and mind acquire the aptitude required for prosperity by keeping them healthy


Withdrawal is the process by which the body withdraws its sensations from unnecessary things or distractions. This organ helps in the process of meditation. This organ helps the person to move towards his inner being. It increases the resistance of the mind.


Dharana is the process of removing all the ‘distinctions’ from the mind, good and bad, light and heavy, and keeping the concentrated (unchanging mind) under your control. This requires a lot of practice. But once it succeeds, it helps a lot to turn the mind towards a definite goal.


Meditation is about becoming one. The method of meditation is very simple. Meditation gives you a lot of energy and spiritual knowledge. Meditation has many benefits. Meditation is the door to satisfaction and happiness.


In this state of Samadhi, the yogi attains bliss and bliss. Samadhi is the last stage and the last stage in yoga practice.

types of yoga


H- means Sun, Th- means the combination of Moon is called Hatha Yoga. Hatha Yoga is a special kind of learning. Sage Yogi Swatmaram introduced Hatha Yoga as a ladder to reach the height required to reach Raja Yoga. Hatha Yoga is the scientific study of asana breathing. Hatha Yoga keeps the body energized. The body is beautiful and it should remain beautiful till the end. For this, great sages took the help of Hatha Yoga and explained its importance. With the increasing use of the body, yoga has come to an end and so has technology. Therefore, the importance of Hatha Yoga was once again emphasized.


Layoga is also called Kundalini Yoga. The body has a total of seven chakras.

  • Sahasra Chakra
  • Ajna Chakra
  • Visuddha Chakra
  • Anahata Chakra
  • Manpura Chakra
  • Swadhishthan chakra
  • Muladhar Chakra

Kundalini is the divine power in the human body. The way to awaken this dormant power is given. When this power is awakened, it has many effects. They are incomprehensible to common sense. So they sound like miracles. Kundalini Yoga is the right way to awaken the dormant energy one by one, even the surface chakras.


Knowledge is very important in life. No one can lose knowledge, only the art and curiosity to acquire it. This sacred knowledge is to be experienced by oneself with the help of a philosophical guru. One should humbly go to the Guru to get knowledge. It is difficult for an arrogant person to acquire knowledge. Knowledge requires faith. The Guru should be considered as everything and should be served with faith and wait for the right time


Doing karma is karma yoga. The great sages have written that one should keep doing good deeds and not expect fruit. Karma means doing karma without expecting fruit, without expecting happiness-suffering, anger-hatred, gain-loss, victory-defeat. In order to realize Paramatma, the Lord, one has to add devotion to karma. Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga are the organs of Jnana Yoga. According to Shankaracharya, Jnana Yoga is the main tool for salvation. To retire is to retire from karma. Salvation is not attained without renunciation of karma.

Bhakti Yoga

Bhakti Yoga is a very ancient tradition in Hinduism. Bhakti Yoga is the path to spiritual attainment. In this form, your favorite deity is worshiped with love and devotion. Bhakti Yoga can be achieved only with Jnana Yoga and Karma Yoga. The path of devotion, the path of karma, and the path of knowledge are the main paths to attaining the Lord. Patanjali’s Bhaktimarga and Ashtangamarga are divided into two parts. Everyone should put aside their ego and serve the Lord. Bhajan is the simplest form of Bhakti.

To read this article Types of yoga in Hindi visit theyogabhyas.com

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