A Guide To Tablet Abel 40

The medicine Abel 40 Tablet is used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure. Lowering blood pressure can help prevent future heart attacks and strokes.

Diabetes patients can also benefit from this medicine by preserving kidney function.

Abel 40 Tablet use

Dosage Of Abel 40 Tablet

Abel 40 Tablet can be prescribed alone or in combination with other medications.

It can be taken with or without food during the day or at night.

To get the most benefit, take it at the same time every day.

Even if you feel well or if your blood pressure is under control, you should continue to take it regularly.

The majority of people with high blood pressure do not feel ill, but if you stop taking this medicine, your condition may worsen.

Medicines such as this are widely used and are considered safe for long-term use.

Side Effects Of Abel 40 Tablet

Most patients tolerate this medication well and have few side effects.

Dizziness is known to occur in some people, particularly after the first dose.

Headaches may accompany this. If these side effects persist or bother you, tell your doctor.

Regular use of this medicine has not been associated with weight gain.

What to do

You can also lower your blood pressure by changing your lifestyle.

As recommended by your doctor, these may include regular exercise, losing weight, quitting smoking, reducing alcohol intake, and reducing salt consumption.

If you have kidney or liver problems, tell your doctor before taking this medicine.

Patients who are pregnant or breastfeeding should also consult their doctors before taking it.

During treatment with this medicine, your doctor may monitor your kidney function, blood pressure, and potassium levels in your blood.

Uses of Tablet Abel 40

Abel tablet Is Used to Prevent Heart Attacks and Strokes, High Blood Pressure, Heart Failure, and Hypertension (High Blood Pressure).

Price of Abel 40 Tablet

115.35rs for 10 Tablet

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